A Prayer I wrote for my students


Give me love n my heart

To spread around

Give m e strength in my arms

To be tender.

Give me wisdom

To ask questions

Give me confidence

To take risks

Give me an untiring spirit, O God,

That helps me grow through each challenge.



litmus paper

I’m so sad- I feel really blue

Squeeze a lemon on me, will you?

I’ll be glad- almost red,

Unless soap brings back my hue.


something interesting



Beyond the Pain

I thought I am now beyond the pain
I've been hurt so much before...
But your shear is sharper than my shield, still..
And I have nothing left to defend any more.
So C'mon - hit me, hurt me, kill me again..
Let me cry again..
let me feel the pain..
C'mon C'mon once more.
For I wannabe beyond the pain
Beyond The Pain One day.


Class Apart

It is now 2 months since I started 'Class Apart' , a general knowledge and Awareness increasing programme for children aged 5-10. I look back at my decision to start this class, and feel satisfied, and hungry for more! That I have a way wit the kids was never a secret, but the success and enthusiasm of my students surprised me... They welcome each topic, every week, with such insatiable curiousity, that it becomes a pleasure to serve them more and more of knowledge...

Such wonderful time childhood is..

I now plan to start a summer camp in my apartments during the summer break.. Insha Allah, this time my attempts will fruitify to their full potential.


Terror in Mumbai, Anger in my Heart.

Mumbai, 27/11/2008. It's an attack on us. We must fight back. But who are "Us and We" ? and who are "They" ?

My brother lives in Mumbai, and works 5 mins away from the Oberoi. As a knee jerk reaction, I called him, and only when I was assured of his and his family's safety, I could think of anything else. The first "us" is family.

But the next? The wider ? I feel and write this not as a Hindu or Indian. I write it as a human being. as an earthling. I feel as if demons have descended on us from another planet... It is hard to believe that a fellow human being can do any act as
ghastly as this on anyone else!!!

Killing people totally innocent , just to get figures... to make impact, to underline a statement, and to grab attention - which religion teaches this? Which religion can possibly advocate massacre the likes of which is seen in Mumbai ?
I think of people sitting in CST waiting room, roaming on platforms, waiting outside a cafe, sipping coffee in restaurants, or strolling in hotel lobbies. These people have lives!! people who were killed, just as if they meant nothing. They meant
everything, everything to their families! Each one of these people had a thousand dreams, a thousand acquaintances, a thousand colours, and loves, and a thousand lives they touched! How can you, in name of a faith, cut these thousand threads of affection by one bullet?? What explanation can a terrorist give to a mother? Can revenge be an answer enough to life long tears? Can hatred be an excuse enough to a torn life?

I know not if I'm angry at feeling helpless, or helpless about feeling angry. I know not if this will be enough for us to start building a safeguard around us. I know not what is 'us' and what is the safeguard ? I know only, that I am ready to be included in any "us" that promotes love, peace and tranquiility in my Earth. And I know that hatred and Revenge are my enemies. Even against people who are commiting these horrendous acts...

It is probably better to be animals. They are not tied up in chains of religion that takes away the ability of seeing your own species as your own.


My Blog now

Thank you for visiting my blog. I have shifted the blog now to http://www.laughingflowers.blogspot.com .Visit "laughing flowers" for a plethora of articles, stories and essays by me.