Joy and the Magical Eye

JOY and the Magical Eye.

Once upon a time there was a boy named Joy. One day, Joy’s teacher told the class about the holy month of Ramadan. Joy listened attentively as the teacher told them about the importance of Ramadan. It is the month during which the sacred Quran was revealed Muslims all over the world observe fasts during the month of Ramadan.
Joy was very happy to learn about the significance of Ramadan. Someone else was happy too—
The Blue Fairy!
The Blue Fairy came in Joy’s dream that night and said, “Joy, I am happy with the attention you paid to the special class today. So I’ll reward you with this magical eye. You’ll be able to see ‘inside’ people’s minds. You’ll be able to see the thoughts of a waking person, and the dreams of a sleeping person. You can only use it thrice. Enjoy!”
Joy decided to use the magical eye to see his best friend, Sid’s dreams. He knew that Sid sleeps at 8:00 p.m. So Joy went to Sid’s house again after eight pm. As expected, Sid was fast asleep in his room. Joy used the magical eye, and was able to see Sid’s dreams!! Sid was dreaming that he and Joy are having lots of fun playing football and eating a walnut cake.
“Mom, can you please bake some walnut cake for me and Sid tomorrow?” asked Joy as soon as he returned home. Mom agreed, and the next day Joy took his friend out for football and cake. Sid was amazed. “You know Joy, it feels as if a dream has come true” he said. Joy smiled and told Sid all about the magical eye.
Now Sid wanted to use the eye as well. He saw Robby coming from a distance. Sid put the magical eye on, and he instantly knew what Robby was thinking. Robby was thinking about them only. “I have a sharp needle in my pocket. Let me use it to puncture Joy and Sid’s football. That would be fun!!” Robby thought. Then he came to the boys. “Can I have a look at your football” he asked.
“No!!” replied Sid. “Or else you’ll puncture it with the sharp needle that you have”. Robby was astonished that his plan was public knowledge. Scared, he ran back to his home.
Joy and Sid had so much fun playing; they lost the track of time. “It’s late. We must return home” cried Sid as he saw the darkness.
“Mom must be mad at me for being so late” thought Joy. “I better find out what she’s thinking first.” So Joy put the magical eye for the third and the last time, and saw his mother’s thoughts.
“I wonder where Joy is!! It’s too late. I hope he is safe. Maybe I should go and look for him. Whatever, I’ll be very angry when he does come and starts making excuses for his delay. He better be honest with me.” Joy’s mother was thinking.
When Joy reached home, his mother demanded angrily, “Why are you so late??”
Joy knew better than to make excuses. “Sorry Mom, I was so busy playing, I lost the track of time.” He confessed.
Mom was very happy to hear the truth from Joy. “I’m happy you owned up, and did not make any excuses.” Joy was grateful to the Blue Fairy and her magical gifts.
ACROSS: 2. The Holy month of fasting is called ---
5. Joy was rewarded with a magical --
DOWN: 1. Sid dreamt of a --- cake
3. Magical Eye can show you – of a sleeping person
4. Robby was carrying a sharp --- in his pocket.

ACROSS: 2. Ramadan 5. Eye
DOWN: 1. Walnut 3.Dreams 4. Needle

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