Don't Worry , Be Happy.


Among numerous unique gifts that God has given to the human beings, the most outstanding one is the diverse range of emotions that we possess. We human beings are the only species capable of complex feelings like respect, jealousy, worry, intolerance, love etc. The most worrisome among these, is worry itself!
We all worry every now and then about different issues, and that’s normal. But for some people, worrying is a habit. They get tense, and stay so over the most trivial matters. They fret over probable circumstances that they can’t control. Like the rest of us, they do worry about today and tomorrow, but they also worry about ten years past and hence…
Some of these people are actually very useful for humanity in general. It can be argued that we need people who care about ambient temperature of earth 75 years hence to tackle global warming. Scientists devote their whole lives developing seedless watermelons! Environmentalists worry about seemingly insignificant stuff like messy Mt. Everest. Indeed, if everybody cared about degeneration of plastic bags, Earth would have been a much cleaner place.
But problem arises when the worrying habit penetrates into ones personal life and becomes a part of his very personality. Such a person almost searches for some bad news even when blessed with good ones, and more often than not, he finds it too! He’ll worry about increased responsibilities if promoted, about his baby’s health if she as much as sneezes, about summers when spring comes! The quality of life for people like these, and their near and dear ones, deteriorates significantly due to constant worrying. This is a habit, which therefore, should be broken as soon as realized.
There is a treasure of self-help books that promise to make one less worrisome, and more contend. They are filled with advices and techniques that are claimed to be guaranteed to work. The problem though, is not that solution doesn’t exist. The real problem is that most people simply fail to recognize the problem. They look at constant worrying as a way of life, or as a way to express their concern about their close ones. But once you realize the damage that excessive worrying does to you and your family, and the opportunities of living life to the fullest that are lost out due to the weight of your worries, you would sure like to lose this tendency itself. And once that resolution is in place, once you are determined to work towards a happier and lighter life, the advices and techniques and gurus will all fit in their place, and life will take on the beautiful colours it was always supposed to have!! Hakuna Matata!!

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