Joy in NewYork


Joy and Sid had discussed at length about the place they would visit this weekend. Finally, they had decided to see the Statue of Liberty in New York. Soon, the friends slept, waiting for the Blue Fairy to come.
When the Blue Fairy came in Joy’s dreams that night, she wasn’t expecting a ready request. “We want to go to see the Statue of Liberty!” Joy appealed, even before she could say anything!!!
Smiling, she teased him, “I thought you said Earth isn’t as much fun as Fairy Land!”
“Oh please, Blue Fairy”, he pleaded. “I and Sid have found out numerous exciting places we’d like to go. Earth is indeed wonderful.”
The Blue fairy obliged and took Joy and Sid to New York. As they flew, the freezing cold air numbed them, and they could fly no more. The Blue Fairy noticed. “New York gets very cold in winters”, she said and gave them a light shawl. They quickly wrapped it around, and became weather-proof. The Blue Fairy left them at the Liberty Island, where the Statue of Liberty is situated.
“Wow!!” exclaimed Joy. “It is so tall!”
“46.5 m, to be exact”, said Sid. “It was a gift from the French to the American people on the centenary of their independence.”
“How old is she?” asked Joy, flying in circles around the statue.
“Well, she was erected in 1886!” told Sid.
“Hmm, she doesn’t look that old” said Joy, and started laughing. But soon, there was no more to look at. How long can two flying, restless children spend near a statue? Joy spotted a land full of skyscrapers in distance.
“What is that place? I’ve never seen so many tall buildings together!” he asked.
“It is Manhattan.” Sid was quick to reply. He was equally fascinated. “I have seen it in T.V.”
Without much deliberation, the boys flew to island county of Manhattan. They flew over the towering buildings much like the birds do, and it sure was a great view. After flying a great deal around Manhattan, they came near the tallest building.
“It is Empire State building, and is 102 floors high. It became the tallest building in Manhattan after the World Trade Center towers fell.”
“I know” snubbed Sid, who was tempted by the huge Antenna and lightning rod at the very top of the building. He flew very close to it, and his shawl got entangled in the rod.
As much as he tried to free himself, he couldn’t. Joy flew near, and tried to help, but it is difficult to work at such heights while wearing a shawl and flying. Sid tried to come out of the Shawl, but it was very cold.
“Don’t leave the shawl” cried Sid. “You’ll not be able to fly because of the cold.” The kids struggled awkwardly with the shawl for a long time, till the Blue Fairy arrived.
She was aghast at finding them in trouble (again!), and that too at a place different from where she left them. The fairy warned them to behave safely from the next trip, or else she’ll stop taking them around the world.
Sid wanted to see more of Manhattan, but the Blue Fairy was very angry. “May be I’ll ask that sometime later.” He mumbled, and flew back home with Joy like a good obedient child.

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