Traveling with young children is a very tricky thing to do, to say the least. It isamazing to see how something so small can need so much!! An upcoming long drive or flight is a legitimate reason of anxiety for parents of infants and toddlers. One can try and explain the situation to older kids- but with babies, that option is ruled out. If they want something, they want it and want it NOW!!! Also, older kids are generally excited by the idea of visiting new places and people, and by the journey itself. Not so much of luck with an 4 month old baby!! She will respond to the change in her environment in the only way she knows - and that can be really tough on the parents, unless they are fully geared up. Ask me, I've been there. I crossed the pacific four times with my first born, Siddharth, before he was 6 months old! And I'm not even counting the long drives, in-country flights and rail journeys (back in India). Every time it's a new challenge.
For all you anxious moms and dads of children less than 3 years - here are few tips to make your journey as smooth as possible.
Don't ration the supplies. You don't want to run out of diapers or wipes in mid-way. And yes, keep many varieties of baby food: don't depend on the airlines.
Take toys - lots of them. Younger kids get bored by a limited selection pretty soon, since their attention span is so little. The toys can be small- to fit in your carry on luggage- rattles, small blocks that fit in each other. If you are really pressed for space, you can use utility things like spoons, keys, comb� things that a kid is denied access to in home will excite him, and more importantly, deviate him!
Take a mirror by all means. You'll thank me for this tip!!
Buy a sling - it is a worthy investment. Kids, who may rebel against strollers, find riding on the back very appealing. My husband carried our son on the sling in the 'maid of mist' boat ride right into the Niagara Falls!! Any toddler would have been afraid of the thunderous noise and mega gallons of water overhead - but he felt so secure attached to his daddy- that he actually enjoyed it all -including getting all wet!!
Talk, Tell and Sing. If your child is old enough - talk to her about the trip. Sing songs about airplanes, or traffic lights. No toy is good in comparison to you! Here's a cue: Green means Go Red means wait Yellow means look even if you're late!!
Of course you've heard this one- offer the child a pacifier, bottle or breast when the plane is taking off or landing. My personal observation is that it really helps. One thing you might not want to do is to block the baby's ears with your hands/cotton. Babies find that irritating - and you don't want a irritated baby!!
Give her lots of attention. She basks in your attention. The environment and people are new to her - your love and care would soothe her BEFORE she gets rattled.
On a long drive, take notes of rest areas you'll find on the way. And make the most of them. Take as many breaks as required to keep your child happy, and pre-calculate that in your trip time.
Choose your seat. When you reach the airport-ticketing counter, ask the desk clerk for a convenient seat. You might want to reach a little early to get that choice.
Relax! Don't get all worked up - almost everybody who has 'been there' has confessed that preparation of the trip had been much tougher than the trip itself. Believe in your child, and yourself.
There's another tip too valuable to be included like others in a list. Once, at my wit's end, I called up my mom and cried. I told her that Siddharth is continuously crying and not going to sleep despite all my attempts. (It sounds silly, until I tell you that the time than was 4am). My mom said -"Garima, he eventually will."
Have a great trip!!
Travelling with kids
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